Are You Burning Bridges With Your Child?

Are You Burning Bridges With Your Child? “My 13-year-old daughter is just so unenthusiastic and passive for just about everything. I have to constantly remind her of small things like putting her shoes away to packing her bags. She is intelligent, but she needs to be reminded to do her homework and prepare for her assessments. When she does it, she does it well…but my pain is the reminders. I feel like a broken record player…you know one that keeps playing the same track again and again!! Arghhh!!! Other children her age are so active and self-motivated” , ranted my client. Fatigue and frustration were apparent in her voice, face and body language. This is a story of not just one parent but of so many of us. As a Mum and Teen Coach, I have had the privilege of listening to both sides of the story on the same issues. The parents see themselves being ignored and disrespected. They also feel frustrated as the responsibility of getting everything done lies on them whilst ...