4 crucial reasons to play a sport for academic excellence Academic excellence is of prime importance to us parents. For us the hallmark of successful parenting is the child getting into a reputable university for a good course. All we want is for our children to have a safe and secure future. However, in our focus on academic excellence, we forget one key element that contributes towards it but is often neglected or ignored. That is playing a sport. If you are wondering, what is the correlation between academics and sports, read on. Photo Credit: Lordn Consider this real-life scenario below from one of my coaching sessions: "He works so hard for his exams. I know he puts in a lot of effort. But on the eve of the test or exam or performance, he gets so nervous that he can hardly function. He would just sit quietly in a corner, paralysed. Or he would be on his device, for hours together." An anxious parent commented. Photo Credit: Jeanette Virginia Goh It is easy to get ...