Do You Hold Yourself Back?


“There are so many good bloggers and good articles out there. Why would anyone read yours?”

Said a tiny voice as I sat down to write my blog. I looked around. There was no one in the room except me. As I began writing again, this time a bit less motivated and a bit more skeptical, it tweeted again. The voice was so subtle and yet so mesmerizing. If I had not known better I would have actually given up on the piece I was working on. This was my inner critical voice.

We all have it. It’s there somewhere in our subconscious, pulling us down all the time. Especially when we are trying to do something new, or difficult or public facing. The problem is not really the voice. The problem is the behavior or the action that follows it. We end up just giving up without even trying. This tendency is most prominent in tweens and teens.

Here are some of the things our inner critic tends to say:

I don’t think I am good enough.

What if I make a fool of myself?

You don’t know what you are doing

No one likes me

There are better people out there

I don’t have any friends because there is nothing likable about me.

Why would the coach choose me to be in the team, I am not that good.

Oh! I am so stupid.

I will not get into why we get these critical voices. The reasons for these voices to be born are different for different people. I prefer finding solutions to digging the past.

Here is an easy solution for you.

Once you are aware of the negative commentary running in your mind, do this one simple thing…imagine someone else telling you these things. What would you be telling that person? Most likely you would ask them to shut up! See the effect it has on you.

Is your inner critic holding you back?

Reach out for a free 30-minute session to explore how coaching can help you get over these voices.



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