Receiving Compliments


One evening I was Coaching a student of mine for Public Speaking when her 4-year-old sister came in.

" Hello Dear ..... you have such beautiful big brown eyes," I said.

Immediately, the child's eyes lit up, became bigger and her face became bright with an angelic smile. And softly she said "Thank you"

I knew instantly my compliment had been received, accepted and appreciated.

On my way back from the session, I was on Whatsapp and happened to notice a profile picture of a friend of mine with her child.

"Both of you are glowing. Beautiful display picture" I wrote to her.

Within seconds I got a reply " Glowing because of the sunrise that time"

Her reply made me wonder...

- why do we try to give reasons when we get complimented?

- why do we try to compliment back?

- why do we try to negate it?

A genuine compliment means the giver has taken out time to notice you and found something about you that the person really likes and has made efforts to find the right words and tone to say it to you.

We live in times when one can't have a coffee with someone without their attention being hijacked by the phone. Verbal face-to-face compliments are even more precious in modern times.

A genuine compliment is a gift. And a gift is accepted graciously by thanking the giver with words, eyes, and expressions. A genuine compliment deserves a genuine acknowledgment.


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